Limousine - Bus - Taxi Operators of New York, Serving all of New York State

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   © copyright
         Limousine, Bus,
      Taxi Operators
   of New York

Frequently Asked Questions

This section is Designed to answer questions about Ground Transportation needs.

1. When reserving an event such as a wedding, when should I reserve the vehicle?

A. Typically you should reserve you vehicle at least 9 months in advance if it during the Months of May to October (as these are very popular) 6months for any other month. This way you’ll be assured of getting the vehicle you want

2. What is Gratuity?

A. 15-20% of the Total Charge

3. What should I look for when picking Transportation Company?

A. Ask the company how long they have been in business, and if the following NY state guide lines for vehicle inspections, DOT requirements and insurance requirements. Also ask how they hire and train their employees.

4. Where do I find good transportation Companies?

A. Well you have the best Guide for that, the LBTOUNY website is the regions Ground transportation association and is made up of Limousine, Bus and taxi companies that follow a code of Ethics, and works for the betterment of the industry. All of our members are required to follow this Code as well as our By-laws.

For additional questions please contact us on the contact page of this site.
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