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Please Force TNC's To Follow NY State's Current For-Hire Transportation Regulations Statewide
Presently Many TNC’s (Technology Network Company) Such as Lyft & Uber are trying to convince the world that their technology is different from other transportation providers operate, and that they should be exempt from the laws in many of our states. They feel that because a person reserves a car service via a mobile device or Internet that it exempts their driver from state regulations that are imposed on the “For-Hire” drivers. If a person reserves a transportation service online, then a motorized vehicle pulls up and supplies them a ride "to or from" their destination for compensation.

How is this different from a person reserving a transportation service from a "traditional transportation company" (Limousine, Black Car, Taxi or Livery company) via internet, or phone or mobile device and getting the same transportation service "to & from " their destination for compensation?

I ask this question because the TNC’s are asking you to exempt their vehicles from having to meet NY State’s current laws requiring:

“For-Hire” insurance. If you are compensated directly or indirectly For-Hire Insurance is required by NY State.
Paying NY State for Livery/ Taxi registration of their vehicles
Not having to collect Sales tax, like other forms of transportation are required to do.
TNC’s are also looking for their drivers to be excluded from having a “For-Hire” Class E license which is required by NY State.
Exempt from the laws in the municipalities that have been established to regulate “For-Hire” services for the safety of the citizens in those communities.
Exempt from having to carry workers compensation for their drivers.

Allowing these TNC’s to have their drivers operate outside of New York’s States mandated insurance & safety requirements puts the citizens of New York State’s safety & financial futures in jeopardy due to these rouge operators.

Over a period of decades our elected officials State & Local, have required transportation operators (all forms) to have the proper Commercial” For-Hire” insurance and meet the requirements mentioned above. Exempting them does not solve a problem, it creates new problems that the Citizens of New York will have to pay for.

Our Coalition, along with many of the local and national associations appose these currently pending bills. Allowing Transportation Network Companies to operate freely with less regulation than other transportation services, also gives a competitive advantage to the TNC’s over small businesses that follow the laws, collect sales taxes & employ people.

The TNC’s currently operating in NY State are willing to follow New York States laws pertaining to “For-Hire “vehicles in NY City, but not the rest of the state. We feel that if the TNC’s are willing to follow the current laws downstate, they should be required to follow the same laws for the entire state.

I am someone who works in the Transportation Industry & feel that TNC's should have to follow New York States current regulations that regulate "For-Hire Vehicles .TNC's provide transportation services to residents of New York just like Limousine, Black Car, Livery, Taxi, & Bus companies provide.

Bill To Eliminate Sales Tax
May 8, 2013
Senator Grisanti

A few months ago David Bastian (LBTOUNY- legislative committee) spoke with Senator Mark Grisanti’s office on behalf of the Limousine, Bus, Taxi, Operators Of Upstate New York regarding the 2009 law that went into affect, requiring the Limousine Livery Industry of New York to collect sales tax on transportation services.

His discussion with his office focused on the fact that we felt it was unfair that operators within the industry, had to collect sales tax, but gain no no tax benefits for doing so. Other industries within New York State that collect sales tax,are given sales tax exemption when they purchase or maintain their equipment that is used to generate sales tax revenue, EXCEPT THIS INDUSTRY. The Bus, & Taxi industry are exempt, not Limousine, Livery. We asked for Senator Grisanti’s office to look into it to see if anything could be done.

Today we received amazing news!! Senator Grisanti not only researched the situation, he proposed a Bill S4920 on May 1st , 2013 to repeal the 2009 law.

Senator Grisanti “took the ball” and ran with it. He needs our support! This needs to be a “grass roots” effort.

We encourage every Limousine Livery operator in New York State to contact your Local Senator and ask them to supportSenator Grisanti’s Bill, S4920 to gain support and repeal this unfair 2009 Law! Here is the proposed Bill….I hope the Limousine Livery Industry of New York stands together and supports Senator Grisanti’s efforts!

Submitted in accordance with Senate Rule VI. Sec 1


An act to amend the tax law, in relation to eliminating sales tax on transportation services; and to repeal certain provisions of such law relating thereto

The purpose of this bill is to repeal the sales tax and related expenses charged on certain transportation services.

Section 1 repeals: paragraph 34 of subdivision (b) of section 1101 of the tax law; paragraph 10 of subdivision (c) of section 1105 of the tax law; subdivision (1)of section 1106 of the tax law; subdivision (o) of section 111 of the tax law.

Further Section 1213 of the tax law amends current law to exclude certain transportation services from collecting sales tax on the services provided.

Finally, Section 1 provides the effective date.

In 2009 a hidden sales tax was imposed on the livery industry. This new tax was specifically aimed at services for sedans, vans, SUV’s and limos; leaving public transportation, taxi’s, and buses untaxed. This new responsibility caught the entire industry off guard, and creates an unfair disadvantage to the industry when purchasing tangible property. This legislation would repeal several provisions that exist in current law in order to equalize the tax burden for the transportation industry. This legislation will provide a much needed tax relief to small busi- nesses, as well as help to offset the rising costs that the livery industry faces.


To be determined.

This act shall take effect immediately and shall apply to the quarterly period, as described in subdivision (b) of section 1136 of the tax law, next commencing September 1, 2014 and shall apply in accordance with the applicable transitional provisions in sections 1106 and 1217 of the tax law.

San Francisco Accident
May 10, 2013

In response to the rare and tragic limousine accident in San Francisco, the National Limousine Association plans to work closely with engineering teams from automotive manufactures, with key insurance underwriters, and as a first-step measure, with the investigative team handling the accident.

We appreciate that the press and our members are seeking answers from us and are making worthwhile suggestions. We will provide accurate information and direction once we have all the facts and data to do so intelligently.

Based on statics and history, chauffeured transportation service is very safe and accidents of this nature are extremely unusual. We assure you this is a high priority matter and warrants taking the time to examine it closely. The NLA has worked hard and devoted many hours responding to media requests. We reiterate to all interested parties not to speculate or theorize on this accident until investigators reach definitive conclusions.

As an industry, we promote safety as top priority. We have proven our safety track record by consistently adhering to all local, regional, state and federal regulations. Many of our industry associations consult with regulators on mutually agreeable outcomes while limousine operators often take the initiative to go above and beyond requirements.

The limousine industry abides by a quality-driven, customer service-oriented and self-policing business model that successfully applies all legal rules and regulations to protect our clients. We can say with confidence that this tragic accident was an anomaly for our industry. Once a cause is determined, we will work with all entities mentioned above to chart a constructive approach and course of action for our members.

National Limousine Association

The Voice of the Chauffeured Transportation Industry Worldwide

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